Monday, November 5, 2012

What do you use to mend a jack-o-lantern? A PUMPKIN PATCH!

This week we continued to work on reading fluently, echo-reading and paying attention to punctuation.  We added a little flavor to our morning calendar time, by doing different "voices" during this time.  Most of the week, we did calendar in a "sPoOKy" voice, but thursday and friday we switched to volcANO!
This week we also started doing addition and subtraction during the same lesson.  What I mean by that is, we would do one addition problem and the next problem would be subtraction, the students were doing amazing.  Whatever sum we got from the addition problem would then become the whole number in our subtraction sentence.  (It also helped that when we “took part  away” or subtracted, they got to eat however many fruit loops we were taking away. Subtraction is their favorite now.) 
And the moment we were all waiting for: THE HALLOWEEN PARTY!!!
Here were the learning targets on Halloween. 
Each student got to pick out their own small pumpkin that they were going to be doing experiments on.  Students cycled through difference stations to test: how big around their pumpkin was, how much did their pumpkin weigh, will a pumpkin sink or float, what does a pumpkin look like inside, smell like, sounds like, how many seed are in a pumpkin, and how many cubes tall is your pumpkin.  Thanks to our awesome parents (and sister) volunteers, it went SMASHING!  At each station, the student would make a prediction, test their prediction and record their results.  
After all the fun of Halloween had settled, we did spend some time learning about what it means to vote and learning about the President of the United States.  We rocked the vote on Friday, by voting for the line leader for next week.   The vote was won by one vote, showing that EVERY vote does count!

 Have a wonderful long weekend and remember to vote on Tuesday!