Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Polar Express came to Kindergarten!

Hello families,

I know this blog is a few weeks late, but in my defense, me and my family have only been home for 3 nights at our home since December 20th! I am so ready to be back home and back to some normalcy and teaching! I hope everyone had a fantastic break and got to spend some quality time with their families.  I have also been having some technical difficulties with this blog.  It has not been allowing me to upload any of my videos.  I'm going to keep trying but for now all I have are pictures.   Before we left for break, we celebrated with viewing “The Polar Express”.   Although we were able to enjoy the movie with some special hot cocoa and marshmallows, we still had some learning to do.  To align with common core standards, we identified the characters, setting and major events of the movie. 

We compared and contrasted the similarities and differences between the book and the movie.  The students also identified real-life connections between words and acted out the meaning of that word and similar words.  For example, as we were watching the movie, I would pause to have the students act out the words: “outstretched, flickered, pranced, hissing, aboard, etc.)  There are so many times in books, stories, movies, and in every day conversation that we pass right over words that we assume that young people know and if you stop and ask them if they know what they word is, they will let you know.  (Another example, many students in class did not understand what the word “text” meant, so we spent some time discussing that text is really a fancy word for words in a book, magazine, etc.) 


The students got to open their presents from Mrs. Kressin and pass out their goodies to their friends. I must extend a gracious thank you to everyone!  I loved my gifts, especially the homemade notes and written letters of appreciation.   I will cherish them FOREVER!!!  Thank you.   

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