Monday, February 4, 2013


Today was the 100th DAY OF SCHOOL! 

We had a fantastic day.  First things first, what kind of a party would it be without a 100th day party hat?!   The students did a great job making their hats. 

Mrs. Kressin's parents came to visit for the special day!

Thanks to the help of Mrs. Kressin’s parents, we had 100 themed science centers.  The first center was predicting how far up a cup would be filled with 100 drops of water.  Students compared their prediction to the actual outcome.   About half of the students predicted that the 100 drops of water would fill up the entire cup!  However, they quickly discovered that the 100 drops ACTUALLY barely filled up the bottom of the cup.  One student then predicted that it would take 150,000 drops to fill the cup!  I told him that was a great prediction!!! 

 Students showing their prediction line on their cups.   
 Transferring 100 drops of water!

The next center students got to know 100cm.  They discovered what things were greater than 100cm (i.e. THEMSELVES!!!), less than 100cm (a book or poster), and things that were equal to 100cm (paper taped together to perfectly make 100cm. I found there isn't much that is equal to 100cm.) 

Students are GREATER THAN 100cm!

Another center was predicting what is heavier?  100 popped pieces of popcorn OR 100 not popped kernels of popcorn.  The students discovered they were equal to!!!  Who would have known?! 

Heavier?? 100 Popped or 100 Not Popped

Check it out! It's equal to!!

The last center was a favorite, but proved to be VERY difficult.  The students were asked to build a 100 cup structure!  Students had great ideas, but they were not always the easiest to follow through with.  Some students made a circle tower, others tried to build a fortress around their buddy, but the cups wouldn’t cooperate and kept falling!  I loved their positive attitudes and effort regardless! 

 They only had a few cups left before it all tumbled to the ground!  But it looks great here!!
This group kept trying and trying!! but standing still proved to be very difficult!!

Once we finished centers, we took 100 steps out of our classroom and made it about halfway through the library!  After the 100 step trek, the students earned their 100th day treat from Mrs. Kressin!  

Finally it was time to announce the winner of the 100 M&M and 100 Marshmallow vote.  At first everyone was disappointed to find out that everyone guessed the wrong one for both contests!  Lucky for the class, then they were ALL able to share the M&M’s and marshmallows instead of just one person. 

 Correct answer was: D
Correct Answer was: B

We ended the day with a bouncy ball competition, how many times can you bounce the ball in 100 seconds!  The students took a few moments to write what their favorite thing they learned over the last 100 days was.   Here are some of the students responses: …..that we learned that the earth orbits the sun, about fairy penguins, that fairy penguins like to stay in groups, learning about frogs, etc.  

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