Monday, October 22, 2012

5 Senses, building addition number sentences!

Phonics Center: Students master letter identification.  They align lower case letters with the corresponding capital letters.  Once we are done with that!  On to letter sounds!  Let me tell you, these girls are letter ROCK STARS!!!

Last week was business as usual…as far as the students doing an OUTSTANDING job! 

In Writer’s Workshop we are stilling working on the long list of things to remember when writing. 

1.       Always write from left to right.

2.       Use a capital letter to start each sentence.

3.       Leave space between words.

4.       Including the “who” and the “what” in each sentence.

5.       Ending each sentence with a period or exclamation point. 

There are SOO many things to remember which is why we practice each day! 

In reading, the students mastered the sequence of events of the different stages of a frog’s life cycle.  While reading the non-fiction book “The Life Cycle of a Frog”, we also looked at: The Table of Contents page, glossary, sidebars, bold faced words and other features that help us better understand any non-fiction book we are reading.  (They worked so hard, they were rewarded with an all day FROG party!  Next blog will showcase those photos and videos!)

In Science we worked on our 5 senses and which body part is associated with it!   We analyzed fruit loops with each one of our senses and then described what we saw, heard, felt, tasted or touched.  We also did an interactive SMART board activity where students had to decide which sense would be used to do something? And what body part would be used for that sense.  (i.e. “our nose would help use the sense of smell to smell stinky basketball socks!”) Students also helped to rebuild a stick figure that had lost all of her body parts that are associated with a sense.  They took turns to give her ears, nose, hands, eyes and mouth.   

Guided Phonics Center with Mrs. K
"I can build the word....(lap and cap...and many others)" center.  Students build words with gentle coaching from Mrs. Kressin.  After they build their word, they practice writing that word as well.  Sometime we speed build...where Mrs. Kressin gives a word, and the students race to build the word as fast as they can!  :)    

9 ways to make (equal) 8!  8 ways to make (equal) 7!  Students are building the addition number sentence, then writing the addition number sentence.  These boys are getting to be pro's! 

Students are making sense of number addition sentences!

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