Monday, October 22, 2012

Why are frogs so happy? They eat whatever BUGS them!

Days of grueling work up to the party....
 Just like our normal day to day learning environment, we had centers and centers of froggerrific activities!

First things first, we have to make our party hat!

Now let's glue the different stages of a frog's life in the correct sequence on the head band.

Student's depiction of a frog's life cycle. 

Since we were working on our 5 senses this week, we had a SENSORY STATION.  At this station students bravely reached their hand under a covered container to use their sense of touch to tally what stage of the frog life cycle they thought they felt.  Students put a tally mark for what stage they thought they felt.  Students described what they felt...(was it hot? cold? hard? soft? slimy? rough? etc..)

Tadpoles in water!

Frog eggs in water!

Adult frog on land!

Students tally up votes before the unveiling!

Now we can SEE the stage!  Using another sense!

Students trying to SEE what they FELT!

Students described the tadpole station as...."slimy, cold, slippery and tadpoley!" 
Students working on LILY PAD addition!
"Can you please place my life stages in the correct sequence of events?"
 Student's also got to have a dance party to end the day, dancing to the awesome frog song of course!

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