How much did you like the book???
Last week as you know a majority of our week was spent MAP
testing. We had a special reading party with
the book, “The Polar Express”. The
students were allowed to wear their pajamas, they needed a fun outlet during all that testing! I also thought on Thursday
after we finished our final MAP test, the kids were very deserving of a ONE
Check out these kids, they are the best! The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree! Hehe...I have to extend a gracious THANK YOU to the parents who volunteered to help with our crafts!
We were able to get all of our crafts done in one hour
thanks to the help of the parents stepping up to the challenge of running their
own craft center! The students loved it
and are sooo excited to give their gifts to their families!
We are still working away in Guided Reading groups. Working on “I wonder…” statements, as well
as, “This makes me think of…..a time in my life when….or another book…or a
movie….or anything that it reminds the students of.” Getting the students to think about what they
are reading is huge. Any text to life
connection they can make is fantastic!
We have also been focusing on IDENTIFYING and DESCRIBING characters,
setting and major events of a text. I
always ask the students to give me their answers in complete sentences! Complete sentences are my favorite!
Math centers are still going strong too. I am so excited for the break, I plan to
revamp some of our Math centers. Our
math scores on MAP testing were outstanding, so there is some “proof in the pudding”
that our guided math system is working!
However, I am so excited to take students to the next level with their math
skills second half of the year. Some of
the students have began analyzing numbers.
Looking at number 24 for example, and being able to tell me that there
are 2 groups of 10 that really equal 20, and 4 ones that equal four. We are just introducing this concept. The students have been “racing” Mrs. Kressin
to see who can sort out a specific number of building cubes (say 38) into the
correct groups of tens and ones. Some
students are not ready for place value yet, and we are working on gaining that
solid foundation of addition.
We reviewed greater than, less than and equal to this week,
but took it up a notch. Now instead of
just saying it, the students are now writing their own numbers and
symbols. For example, the student were
given two numbers and they needed to correctly label it with the >,<,=
symbol. Students would have to fill in
the blank and then “read” what it said.
Students would write something like 5>2, and then read to the class,
5 is greater than 2. After the students have sorted all the problems in the room. We read through them in the class and make sure they were sorted correctly. Students got so good at this, that the second time we practiced they got them all correct! There were over 30 different problems they had to correctly label and sort! Awesome!!
We started some of our Holiday celebration today and I got
some great pictures!!! I am going to
wait to post all of the holiday pictures and videos together though. I hope we have school tomorrow!
Keep reading on
!!!! Click on the link, then go to student login. Then for Teacher Name it is: ovkressin, click on my name. Then click on your students name and read away!!! :)